TITLE: Azam baru (:
DAY: Thursday.
TIME: 10:29 PM.
Ohh I wish my 2011 would be my goodgirl year.
No more:
- all night socializing.
- smokes.
- beers.
- clubs.
- karaoke-ING.
- bad influence Malay, Chinese and Ibanese friends. (but 4Jujur friends are all good ♥)
- choy-ING anonymous.
- mcD on every weekends.
- lepak-ING at Phase 2 until 3 AM.
- thingies lahh!
Just more:
- good Malay, Chinese and Ibanese friends.
- books.
- teachers.
- studies.
- lepak-ING at the library until it closes.
- sweets.
- listening to all my teachers.
And not to mention, more otp-ING with my Zul ♥ 'Cause 2011 will be a year without my Zul ): He's going back to Kuching! Uwaaa! Ohyaa. I'm hoping that I will pass my SPM with flying colours 'cause I am an SPM candidate bhaa. Wish me luck and all te best people (: