TITLE: Fuck you boy.
DAY: Tuesday.
TIME: 04:47 PM.
I'm sick just by hearing your name. So no names here lah. FUCK YOU for starters. Haha. I'm relieved thanks to blogger. I can say all I want without you knowing that I'm cursing you (: I once said what's mine are yours but it's all crap. I WANT ALL MY THINGS BACK! All the money that I gave you all the thingies that I sealed with a kiss just for you all the wishes that I wished to you, EVERYTHING! I WANT IT ALL BACK! Mtfk you boy ♥ I hate you and always will be. Nyesal aku couple ngan kau. Laki sikguna. Cinap. Hey girl, he's just using you. Don't give your hopes up. Ajal kau d bobok nya lak. P pasya still. He still wants for more. HE WANTS MORE AND MORE PUSSIES! Fuck you girl ♥ Paloi kau maok ngan laki mcm ya. Arap muka jak kacak. Laki nak d pileh sikkacak. UGLY mainnn! HEY! What's with the photo?! The FUCKtograph of your face is badddd man and I mean BADDDDD real badddd. Yuck.