TITLE: They call it the "Permainan Tidur" -___-"
DAY: Tuesday.
TIME: 07:48 AM.
I used to call him "syg" as in we used to be in a relationship but yeahhh not in an open one.
One awkward day, he went to see me and my ohh my hell yeahhh we do crapped a lot. We talked laaa. Cakap kosong (: Then the place where we crapped turned to a "sacred" place. To me laaa -.- And he said "Sitok lhar kubo nya ):". I blurred myself for a while and took a glance at that thingy then I said "Ohh. Condolence.". Then he said..
HIM: Bukak ktk nak tok. *while holding an i-pad and clicked a link that says "Diana AB".
ME: Sapa tok?
HIM: Kakak nya. Kmk rindu nya ehh )):
ME: Yalah ktk pelu pdh apa yg patut d pdh. Kita dpn kubo nya tok. Say what you really wanted to say. Pray for her.
HIM: Yalah kmk t'pk mok couple ngan nak tadik yaaa. Dpt kmk imagine ya nya ):
ME: I have no clue.Polah apa yg ktk rasa patut lhar.
Then I bailed out on him and I said, "Ktk dgr convers kmk org tadik nak. He missed you so damn much and it was like, gila babi. Hope you can meet him in his dream and biar nya lepas rindu nya dgn ktk. And hope ktk dpt pdh dgn nya how I still feel about him (': Ktk tauk pne rasa kmk dgn nya bha. I just know it. Kmk harap kmk dpt dgn nya one day kelak and yeahhh nya sorg jak. The only person him".
Then PAB said "Kak (: Kmk phm and kmk akn pdh SEMUA dgn nya lak (:". She looked like an angel bhaaaaaa. My angel ♥
Then I just woke up huhhh just like that. What exactly happened? Ohhh what the! Did I? Didn't I? Goshhh :o
What do you think? Judge me? Or better yet, DON'T JUDGE ME! I don't need your oppinions and what so ever. Aku heran ppl nowadays ah gosh they just loooove to judge a book by it's cover. Do not pass judgement on others unless you are pefect yourself -.- I know this story thingy tunggang trbalit but I just wrote what really hppned in my DREAM. Maybe I miss him ♥ Mimpi nang slalu sikbetol urutan what. Y'know what. PAB didn't talked a lot. Weird -.- My oh my what a dream :/
Okayyyyy. I have nothing more to say.